导航:首页 > 阅读推荐 > 她现在在看一部电影英语怎么说


发布时间:2023-12-17 09:36:08



1. She is currently watching a movie.

2. She is watching a movie at the moment.

3. She is in the process of watching a movie.

4. She is engaged in watching a movie.

5. She is actively watching a movie.



1. She is currently watching a movie.

2. She is in the process of watching a movie.

3. She is actively engaged in watching a movie.

4. She is presently occupied with watching a movie.

5. She is currently engrossed in a movie.



1. She is currently viewing a movie.

2. She is presently watching a movie.

3. She is currently engaged in watching a movie.

4. She is actively involved in watching a movie.

5. She is currently immersed in a movie.



1. She is currently watching a movie.

2. She is presently watching a movie.

3. She is actively engaged in watching a movie.

4. She is currently engrossed in a movie.

5. She is presently occupied with watching a movie.



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